Take Action!

  • Be a part of the discussion! You can keep up with what’s happening with the CMF team by signing up for the CMF newsletters.

  • Advocate for Alternative Domestic Dispute Resolution for every family.

  • Demand your right to Alternative Domestic Dispute Resolution.

  • Engage services of parenting coordinators.

  • Urge courts to respect and honor your rights to contract and enter an agreement in resolving domestic disputes.

  • Support policies, practices, and procedures that promote the adoption of parenting coordinators and minimize court battle in resolving domestic dispute, especially regarding custody and parenting access schedules.

  • Support and assist CMF members in implementing the goals of Alternative Domestic Dispute Resolution for every family.

In Connecticut, for instance, an official court form of the state’s judicial branch, Custody Agreement and Parenting Plan (Form JD-FM-284), Section E, provides the option of Alternative Domestic Dispute Resolution by allowing parents to select a neutral third party, namely a parenting coordinator, to resolve their disagreement before either parent has the right to seek the court to decide for the parents.

Here is a link to the form on the Connecticut Judicial Branch website that may be helpful in learning about your rights to Alternative Domestic Dispute Resolution and the practices of working with a parenting coordinator.